
In my opinion, design is one of the most practical uses of art. Since I discovered it I was very interested in learning more about it. That’s why, back in 2001, I decided to participate in an online course from named “New Media Marketing”. That was a lot of fun, since it covered most aspects of design I was interested in, and more. From logo design to game design there was a little bit of everything, and that was a really nice boost to my design skills.

Since then I had a lot of projects helping people around me with design projects. From logo to complete homepage and company image, I found it most challanging to try it all.

Last year I found out about And since until then I didn’t have the chance to publish as much design work as I wanted, and compare it to other designers, this seamed like a perfect opportunity. I participated in more contests, and soon I learned a lot about logo design, which I couldn’t do without getting my work “out of the sandbox”.

Some of my designs: